Warfare Prayer

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from Lightbearers


….praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints — Eph 6:18 NKJV

You just can’t get away from it! The more I study the deep truths of Ephesians Three the more I see that speaking in tongues, much prayer in the Spirit, is such a foundational aspect of a successful, triumphant Christian life. By this I mean life continually growing, improving, and demonstrating the promises of God and the reality of Jesus Christ. Life’s arc should not be an arc, but a continually rise and growth into eternity, circling higher and higher, getting better and better.

…that you, being rooted (Grk. RHIZOO) and grounded (Grk. THEMELIOO) in love… Eph 3:17 NKJV

The words in the Word define themselves in part by the context and words associated with them. Are you with me? We have something similar in English, like the word ‘bank’ that can describe the side of a stream (…the stream bank…) or the curvature of a racetrack (…he takes his Pontiac Firebird into the thirty-two-degree bank of turn three…). RHIZOO is only used twice in the Greek New Testament. The other place is in Colossians.

…rooted (RHIZOO) and built up (Grk. EPOIKODOMEO) in Him and established (Grk. BEBAIOO) in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Col 2:7 NKJV

RHIZOO is in part defined by its usage with THEMELIOO, EPOIKODOMEO, and BEBAIOO. So, where do I get my association of speaking in tongues with being rooted and grounded in love? Wait a minute…here it comes! EPOIKODOMEO is only used seven times in the Greek NT, and the seventh usage is one of the all-time great speaking in tongues verses! AND…look at how this verse is related to our subject of love! Do you see how the Bible becomes its own dictionary of divinely given terms? A perfectly woven tapestry – the LOGOS of God!

But you, beloved, building yourselves up (EPOIKODOMEO) on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in the love of God, Jude 20-21 NKJV

Our great strategy in warfare is love. Is that absurd? Armies in the natural kill people, destroy things and conquer land. But there are some absurdities in the natural realm with our warfare – our spiritual enemy is already defeated; we are not taking land or properties because the earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof, when our enemies lose to us, they win, because they join us. Finally the most absurd reality is that we love our enemies!

Now – with heartfelt love in mind – we are ready to pick up the mantle of warfare prayer. Some lament, “All I can do is pray!” Let me tell you, dear one – You do prayer and worship ‘right’ and you won’t have to do anything else. I find myself at times in writing and preaching defending God’s integrity, and the integrity of His Word. Subtle unbelief, spoken, preached or even sung in lyrics sincerely make accusations against the Lord concerning things He hasn’t done or for which He isn’t responsible. In love I seek to help people understand!

Then Ananias answered, “Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem. And here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on Your name.” Acts 9:13-14 NKJV

Our war strategy sessions come out of sitting in the presence of the Lord. In this place of His presence we ask questions, seek understanding and the impartation of strategies. The Lord confides in those who fear Him, who have such love and loyalty to Him that they are let in to the ‘inner circle.’ Moses knew God’s ways, while Israel only saw the acts. I know what my personal prayer strategy is to be daily for this season. He’ll show you in intimate detail what you are to do to position yourself for His favor.

Once you have His strategy, pursue it diligently without talking about it to others with few exceptions. Far too much talk and far too little action goes on amongst our tribe. Many strategies take years to walk out, so you have to be confident that you have clearly heard the Lord and settle in to pray and act that revelation into reality.


We don’t seek to change people’s political ideas, we seek to win hearts. When you reach a leader, it has profound effects in both the enemy’s kingdom and the Lord’s. The devil does not know the future, and he cannot enforce satanic destinies if he is overruled. People follow people with influence. The devil must invest much time and money in developing influencers so, if they are won to the Lord, all of his efforts go down the drain. Suppose Barry Sotero had been won to the Lord at Harvard, or Mohammed Atta when he was learning to fly airliners? The world would be a very different, perhaps far better place right now.

Profound spiritual realities changed when Simon (Harry Potter’s ancient Syrian relative) got saved…

…And they heeded him because he had astonished them with his sorceries for a long time. But when they believed Philip as he preached the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized. Then Simon himself also believed; Acts 8:11-13 NKJV

Satan’s key guy, into whom he had invested so much, changed loyalties and came into the kingdom of God. One thing you learn here is that everyone deserves a chance to believe. You may say, I don’t know who the key leader is! I don’t know Barry or Mohammed, or what they will do! Guess what? God does. This is the purpose of those strategy sessions in His presence. Do you see?


Our prayer strategy against our enemies is that they get saved or taken out of the way. How God chooses to ‘remove their influence’ if they choose not to get saved is entirely up to Him. But they have to go!

O God the Lord, the strength of my salvation, You have covered my head in the day of battle.

God’s protection over us must be secured before we go into battle. This also is gained in those strategy sessions in His presence. You never PRESUME the Lord’s will. You wait even moment by moment to sense what to do. The sword of the Spirit is like a fine sharpened scalpel in the hand of a trained surgeon…you!

Do not grant, O Lord, the desires of the wicked; Do not further his wicked scheme, Lest they be exalted. Selah. As for the head of those who surround me, Let the evil of their lips cover them; Let burning coals fall upon them; Let them be cast into the fire, into deep pits, that they rise not up again. Let not a slanderer (this is Hebrew, but In Greek the term DIABOLOS: devil is translated ‘slanderer’ – it’s saying, don’t let a devilish man – comparing a man to the devil – be established in the earth) be established in the earth; Let evil hunt the violent man to overthrow him.” Ps 140:7-11 NKJV

Psalms says that we are to pray that the evil that men do will hunt them to overthrow them. Primarily we pray MERCY but sometimes the scales have been tipped so far in the other direction – life and death are scale tipping issues – that our cry must be JUSTICE!

Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died.  But the word of God grew and multiplied. Acts 12:23-24 NKJV

When the (d)evil man was removed, the gospel began to flourish! Our warfare prayer always circulates around the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Seek the Lord in those times in His presence aggressively for the plans and purposes of Him in your life and sphere of influence. You can make the difference for yourself, your family, city and nation. His faith and love will carry the day if we remain faithful, not fearful. Fear melts in those quiet moments of God’s presence that release His faith and glory. This is warfare prayer…GO GET ‘EM, SAINT! Love you!

Remember dear one, we must be about our Father’s business…