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For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. 2 Cor 5:14-15 NKJV

You can’t make a commitment to a job, because all a job is is a paycheck. You can make a commitment to a cause. Causes are greater than jobs because if there is the loss of a paycheck, there is a loss of a job, but commitment to a cause will persevere under any circumstance. The highest causes, the ones for which the participants are willing to lay down their lives, essentially their futures, because we all die at some point, always draw the greatest individuals. The individuals that go into ministry for a job are false prophets, false pastors, etc. The Lord offers a cause, not a job.

The Bible is an eastern book. The culture of the Bible was an oriental culture. In that culture, you never accepted an offer upon the first request. You always turned it down with an excuse. If someone offered to take you to lunch, you would say, even if you wanted to go, “Thank you kindly, but I must go and see my family.” Then they would say, “My wife is making chicken sandwiches that are so delicious. You must come!” You may be very hungry, but you would respond, “Thank you so much! I just ate, and I must meet someone at Starbucks.” Then they will say, “My children miss you so much. You are their favorite guest. Please come!” Finally, you say, “If that is how you truly feel, I will come.” An In-depth request!

Verse fourteen says, the love of Christ constrains us (KJV). He compels us, He requests over and over again, with all of His heart and emotion, that those who live, because He died for all, should no longer live unto themselves, but unto Him who died for them. We give Him plenty of excuses, but He just keeps asking. Finally, we must run out of excuses, and commit ourselves totally to Him. He died, so I could live; now I die to self, so that He can live in me. Do you see it? Love you!

Remember dear ones, we must be about our Father’s business…