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Lord, what is man, that You take knowledge of him? Or the son of man, that You are mindful of him? Ps 144:3 NKJV

The first time I knowingly got revelation I was actually sending in an offering to a ministry. I was perhaps sixteen years old, having just been filled with the Holy Spirit. I didn’t know the address of the ministry in a neighboring town. Remember, this was ‘preGoogle,’ ‘preInternet’ and ‘preSmartphone.’ Truly the dark ages! I sat down, closed my eyes, and asked God to show me the address. I pictured the envelope, then the address appeared on the envelope in my heart just like it was written on a typewriter (“a WHAT?” my daughter might say!). Amazing! I filled out the envelope, sent in the offering and apparently it was well received because I received a receipt in the mail about a week later.

I didn’t know something. I asked the Lord to show me the answer, which He graciously did accurately. It wasn’t like I had known and forgotten the address. I never knew it! When I wrote it out, I had no assurance from my soul that it was right, but it ‘seemed’ right. I felt comfortable about it. The Lord was teaching me to recognize His voice, His RHEMA word.

My sheep hear My voice…John 10:27 NKJV

Truly amazing! To think that God Almighty could, and would, actually walk and talk with us is a privilege and honor beyond my ability to grasp, but He does. To think that He would love us as I love my sons and daughters, that He would be willing to communicate with us even about such a trivial thing as an address, shows a love that is so marvelous, so wonderful, that you just want to praise Him in thanksgiving!

Let your heart just thrill at the wonder of God for a moment!

The Father, Son and Spirit, who are one God, who have no competition in the God category (no Allah…sorry! No Buddha! No Krishna! No crazy gods of India or Africa!), so loves you and I, that He deeply desires for us to know Him as Father. As our Father, He is our caregiver, teacher, example, the One who supplies all of our needs. If you have unmet needs, it because you don’t know Him as Father in that category of your life yet.

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19 NKJV

If you want to receive the promises of God in your life, it is essential that you learn to receive revelation from God your FATHER. You have to know Him as Father. It is your Fathers job to supply your needs. Accurate revelation positions you to receive the blessing of God. Elijah needed to be beside the brook Cherith so that he could get the provision from the ravens. He went there by revelation. Had he been somewhere else…no food! Clear guidance was needed to be positioned properly for the ravens to come.

The American Vice President Mike Pence was recently ridiculed on national TV for saying that he talks with Jesus, and that Jesus talks with him. The woman who ridiculed him, Joy Behar, said that it indicated that you had ‘mental illness’ to say that you heard from God. We’re praying for you, Joy! The reality is that every single human hears from the spirit realm, albeit for the most part, unknowingly.

I once had a dream as a young child. In my dream my mother came to me and told me that I would be the next one in the family to have the gift of ‘second sight.’ This was from a demon, impersonating my mother, who wanted to enter my life and give me demonic revelations. Demons can talk to the spirit and soul of everyone, which is why you have to lead captive every thought to the obedience of Christ. You have to judge what you are thinking about, and your judgment must be guided by the word of God.

The miracle of revelation is that we can talk to God, and He can talk to us openly, continually, clearly and accurately about virtually anything. He will show you what He is doing. He’ll show you what the devil is doing. He will show you the hearts of men, and the reality behind the circumstances, what is really going on, and why it is happening. If you give Him your full attention humbly and patiently, He will reveal the fullness of everything you need to know, and more. He will show you things just for fun!

I sense in my spirit that He is waiting for people to believe Him, to believe His word literally. Is He waiting for you?

To increase revelation in your life, stop and take the time to acknowledge His presence. You can’t talk to someone if they are ignoring you or are ‘too busy’ to hear from you. Do you realize that almost no one answers phones anymore? Why? Too busy! I’ll screen it through voice mail. Don’t screen Me, God says. Stop, acknowledge…and listen.

To increase revelation In your life, fill your heart with the revelation of His written Word. The word of God drives out confusion and fear, all these negatives that keep us from hearing from God. A good hour of reading the Word, and I can think again, unencumbered by the pressures and busyness of this life. So many times I get direct revelation when I’m reading the revelation of the written Word.

He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself…1 Cor 14:4 NKJV

To increase revelation in your life, pray much in tongues. Bill Hamon wrote a great book on the many, many reasons for praying in tongues. But one of the great ones is that it edifies you. To edify is to build up, to strengthen, to make solid and durable. How many durable believers do you know? We are not durable because we don’t pray in tongues much, or at all. Praying in tongues builds up your spirit man so that you can sense God’s voice much easier.

Speaking in tongues melts God’s heart. If you’ll melt His heart, He will pour it out to you!

One of the greatest healing incidents I’ve ever experienced was the healing of the boy with polio. But the greatness of that miracle was the nine plus hours of praying in tongues and reading the Word I had done the day before. I was on fire! My students pray in tongues an hour a day or more, and they’ve raised seven folks from the dead, bless God forever. I’ve never seen a minister who was truly on fire for God who wasn’t successful! But it takes effort, it takes time, it takes investment of oneself.

The miracle of revelation, that God talks to you and I, and we have sound minds, reveals the love of a Father who cares intimately and deeply about each of His children, who knows EVERYTHING about us, and through it all loves us with a tender love so real that I stand back in awe of Him. I deeply want all of us to get more revelation especially about the problems that plague us and hold us back from being the best we could be. The Lord wants to talk about these things! I am seeking the revelation to answer the problems of nations. Think big, dear one, we have a big God!

The miracle of revelation is simply this – God wants to talk to you, and He can, and He does. The miracle of revelation is the love of a Father, revealing Himself to you, dear one. Love you!

Remember dear ones, we must be about our Father’s business…