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Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. Acts 3:1 NKJV

The heart cry of all mankind is ‘Show me the reality of Jesus Christ! Give me a reason to believe!’ That is a reasonable request. You and I are uniquely equipped to be demonstrators of the Resurrection. Paul said, “And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.” Do you get that? Jesus said that those that believed would do the same works that He did. Jesus didn’t come to pass out cupcakes. He came to crush the power of the enemy and bring in the Kingdom of God!

The young man at the BBQ stand outside the market said, “Football was really bad for me. My knees are killing me today!” As I walked away, the Holy Spirit said, “HELLO! Didn’t you ask Me about divine appointments?” I ran back and said, “Hey, I pray for people to get healed. Can I pray for you?” As I laid hands on him, the Spirit came upon us, and showed me his whole bone structure, which I prayed through with authority in detail. Finally, He showed me his tonsils. “Ever had your tonsils out?” No. Healed…

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. Matt 10:8 NKJV

Jesus said, in the Great Commission, that the disciples that they made were to ‘observe all things that I have commanded you.’ Matthew 10:8 would certainly fall under that category, for verse eight has four commands. In other words, go and demonstrate the reality of Jesus Christ. The only question that arises as we contemplate that verse is – have you freely received?

Now it was so, when Moses came down from Mount Sinai …that Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone while he talked with Him. Ex 34:29 NKJV

The anointing to serve comes from being in the manifest presence of God.

Sometimes, you freely give, and other times people just come up and take it from you. The woman with the issue of blood just took the anointing from Jesus. Jesus never gave it to her. He only brought it up after it was imparted. Jesus had it to give, or be taken from Him, because He as a man spent time in the presence of the Father.

Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed. Mark 1:35 NKJV

When I get exhausted, the first great loss is in my prayer life. Normally, it is easy to pray 2-3 hours a day. But when I have been working really hard (and sometimes, that’s unavoidable), the first great indicator of a breaking point is that loss of prayer, which can dwindle to less than a half hour. This is why we all need a sabbath day of rest every week. It is the fourth commandment, albeit the only one that is culturally acceptable to break! Recently I counseled two of our staff members separately about the need of a weekly sabbath day. No work, no cell phones, no email, no obligations. 24 hours…checked out, logged out, switched off…quiet rest! Nap time…

Now, when you’ve been in the manifest presence of God, and you have received from Him, the Lord will bring you into divine appointments.

Our brother Bill says, “I am a divine appointment! (I don’t seek them but) When the Lord brings the weak or sickly across our path, it’s ‘game on!’” Bill, his wife Lorna, and their two daughters and son are miracle workers. They are FUN to be with…

A miracle is a clear demonstration of the power of God in timing, in impact, and in fruit. The secular world has cheapened the term ’miracles’ to mean what man does, or accomplishes, but it is a lie.

In timing, it’s providential. One time I was preaching to about two hundred by a riverside. I was sharing my testimony. I said the words, “God, if You are really up there…” Immediately a peal of thunder rolled over our heads! ‘OOH!’ said the crowd, as we all kind of looked up expectantly. Timing…

In impact, they are gamechangers. In fruit, they are there to glorify Jesus, and make Him relevant to individuals, communities and nations today.

Miracles are normal. They are what is supposed to happen. In Lightbearers we don’t use them to advertise our ministry, because the gifts are to glorify Jesus, not Lightbearers. Miracles follow believers. Miracles follow the preaching and living of the Word. Miracles are normal, and we expect them all the time. A life of utter dependence on God, which is no excuse for laziness, is marked by the fruit that He brings. Miracles are normal.

The young girl’s comatose body was trembling on the emergency room table. The Holy Spirit said, “Her brain is swelling!” I said out loud, “Brain, I command you to quit swelling in Jesus’ name!” A gasp went through the ER as her body instantly relaxed. She soon came out of the coma, and later was released, totally whole…

And these signs will follow those who believe… Mark 16:17 NKJV

Believers are miracle workers. What makes you successful as a miracle worker is recognizing and seizing the opportunities, the divine appointments, that the Lord lays before you daily. I never worry about testimonies because many times people don’t realize the miracle until later. Testimonies always come…

I was walking down the street in Kabale, Uganda, when I heard a man behind me shouting my name. The man was running towards me! He said, “When you were in Sudan, I got healed when you prayed for my leg!” I had been in Sudan seven years before, bless God forever…

The great key for the miracle worker is recognizing that the Lord is literally present with you always. When you ask Him for a word to speak, and it comes, then He speaks through you. That is powerful!

The world needs to see the demonstration of Jesus Christ. Everyone, with any sense at all, has heard of the historical Jesus. They need to have a firsthand encounter with the living Son of God. It is so much fun when you get to be a part of that encounter because of your boldness, willingness, compassion and love! Why not ask the Lord to bring divine appointments into your life right now, today? Someone is ‘dying’ to meet you…and through you, to meet Him. Love you!

Remember dear one, we must be about our Father’s business…