Dear One,
When I write, I only put peoples first names into stories, and sometimes not even the right name, because we know that all this can be stored and overseen by third parties. I’m sure that somewhere when I first started sending emails in the 90’s I somehow agreed to that, and you did too, so bear with me as I tell the story below knowing that the people I mention truly exist, and what happened, truly happened.
Love you! KRP
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15-16 NKJV
It’s been seven years! November 10th marked the seventh birthday of the Twins, Samalie and Samuel Kevin, one of the most impacting miracles that I had the privilege to be a part of in my ministry. I came a day early to be there for the celebration. The party was at Collins house in Kampala. The sharing by Michael and Phobice was wonderful, and the rejoicing over their kids was special. Phobice had written a book about her faith journey and I got a signed copy. Their presents, from Rosemarie and I, weren’t there yet because KLM decided my luggage needed a days rest in Amsterdam before joining me in Uganda. How thoughtful! 😊
The word ‘conclave’ comes from a latin term meaning ‘with a key,’ meaning a closed, invitation only meeting. The conclave began on Monday evening with dinner and a meeting at Prayer Mountain in Jinja, one of the most beautiful and spiritually significant places in Africa and is at the source of the Nile River in Lake Victoria. We had brought in our senior school directors and leaders from all over Europe and Africa, with three special guests, to meet up until Friday to discuss the goal of planting a school of ministry in every African nation by the end of 2025 AND turning over the administration of all such schools to African leadership by that year end as well.
I told them Monday night that this was a KAIROS moment, and that if we missed what God was doing RIGHT NOW, we would miss God. I called this meeting an apostolic council because the majority of those present were apostles, including our guests.
Joe and Maureen had come from the UK as special guests and as experts in Muslim outreach. Joe shared for two hours on Tuesday morning with his wisdom gained from many years in north Africa and the Middle East. Getting arrested seven times without becoming a tragedy tends to fill you with wisdom, plus the amazing work that they have done both in Africa and Afghanistan, Nepal, and Pakistan, and other places, like the USA. Joe told us that the Muslims were ready to receive the Gospel!
Wednesday would be the day when we did a real conclave. We had to push up the schedule because people were required at other places. Let me give you some background. Dr. Jack Tuls and I met in Lancaster CA in 1998 and had planted our first school in the Central African Republic in a place called Ndele in January, 2001. I told that story Monday. On nine trips to Africa Jack and I had planted schools I think in six countries, and we set the goal of a school of ministry in every nation, with an open-ended time frame. Back in 2020, while praying about filling Africa and Europe with the schools, the Lord shocked me when He said, “Why not every nation?” This would become important on Wednesday.
Wednesday morning the Lord awoke me at about 3am – I didn’t sleep much on this trip! – and said, “I want you to finish Africa in 2025, then do Europe in 2026, Russia and the Middle East in 2027, South America in 2028, North America in 2029, and China and the Far East in 2030.” The Word over the world – a goal that had been in my heart since being teenager. I’ll tell you more about that before I finish!
After that I couldn’t sleep and was soon out on the porches overlooking beautiful Lake Victoria, praying in the spirit. I was soon joined by Michael, who was our master of ceremonies for the conclave. He was nattily attired in his pajamas. I told him I was waiting for him to come out. We discussed the day. I had told them Tuesday night we would have to have an executive committee, which they would select. I told Michael what the Lord had told me, and he whistled…
…so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death. 21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell. 23 For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. 24 Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you. 25 And being confident of this, I know that I shall remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy of faith… Phil 1:20-26 NKJV
That morning we met and I shared the vision of 2025 through 2030, and what the Lord had said in 2020. I told them about three principles that would guide the council in all of its work. Number one principle was that no one was allowed to die and go to Heaven before 2030. This shocked some people! But I told them from Philippians chapter one that living or departing to be with Christ was a choice that they made, and that Jesus said in Luke 10:19 that we had authority over the enemy and NOTHING shall by any means hurt you, if you use your authority. I told them that God invested TOO MUCH in them for their lives to be cut short, and that their lives would bless millions if they lived. So, by agreeing to be a part of this work, you are not allowed to die until your work is done, at least through 2030.
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19 NKJV
Secondly both women and women would have an equal voice in all discussions, and I expected everyone to be an ALPHA man or woman of God, and everyone’s voice must be heard. Third principle – all obstacles and problems would be overcome by the gift of faith and the word of wisdom, the problem solving and genius anointing. Failure was not an option!
I told them that Reggie, the international school director, and I would step out of the meeting and they would have a true conclave where they would decide two things: whether they individually would be a part of this project, and who would be members of the executive committee. The meeting from that point would last almost two hours with no breaks, while I enjoyed coffee and prayed in the spirit outside, and Reggie and Maureen sat together. At one point Michael came out and asked if the executive should have five or three members. I said three. This was the point where they had to buy into this on their own, and to some small degree the fate of nations hung in the balance! I prayed and left every care with the Lord…
Finally, the conclave broke – white smoke in the chimney – and I heard the results. Everyone agreed to participate with all their heart in the project, and Michael had been asked to be the chairmen of the council. Collins, Helene and Moses from Zambia would make up the executive committee. Then people began to leave. Michael had a political situation in Kabale that required his presence on Thursday. David from Kenya had to leave early and Joe and Maureen had to leave on Thursday as well to prepare for all of us coming to Nairobi on Saturday.
I flew to Nairobi on Saturday to meet Joe’s extraordinary group of house church leaders from Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kenya and Tanzania. What an amazing group! On Sunday we had a house church in the Karen Blixen section of Nairobi – did you ever see the movie OUT OF AFRICA where Meryl Sheep played Karen Blixen? – in a beautiful, large old British home with about thirty people in attendance. Then Monday we had serious meetings about the kingdom of God which David, our incredible national director of schools in Kenya, and I attended. We were blessed!
Tuesday we had a meeting where David invited about a dozen pastors to hear about the schools. I shared and they were all ready to start schools even wanting David to stay for a month and teach some classes. At one point in my sharing from Romans 8:27 I said that from Revelation Jesus was the one who searched hearts, and from the OT that it said that the Lord God was the one who searched hearts, therefore Jesus was the Lord God. I had never shared that before in that context, but I found out later that there was a Jehovahs Witness who was there who needed to hear that, and consequently got born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. Thank You Lord!
On Wednesday the whole crew visited Jeff and Lindas home right next to the Nairobi national game park where we could see giraffes and ostriches and impalas from their porch. Jeff showed me a game camera where they had regular visits in their yard after dark from lions! Yes…real lion LIONS! Then we met with twenty-four of their youth leaders, amazing young men and women who were reaching out and running different outreach programs in Nairobi. We met together, ate together and played together in a compound owned by Jeff’s ministry. Finally that night I left for the airport and a long flight home…
Finally, the WORD OVER THE WORLD! I learned long ago that the Lord never forgets a word that you say. When I heard that one of our first board members finally died in 2019, the Lord reminded me immediately of a word we spoken and promised each other 25 years before that we would take care of one another’s family if either of us died. I knew immediately that I was to take care of his widow, and I did. The first ministry I was ever a part of had as its goal ‘the word over the world.’ Even when the Lord released me from that group, that word was still in my heart. Now we have a chance to do it, thanks in great part to your prayers, love and support. Amen? Love You!
Remember dear ones, we must be about our Father’s business…