“It is finished!” John 19:30 NKJV
Dominion rest puts you on the victory side of life. If you are putting together members for a winning team, first you identify the requirements of each position, then you find teammates who walk in dominion rest over that position, to form your team. Dominion rest is mastery to the end that you walk successfully over and over.
The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” Ps 110:1 NKJV
You should always seek to be taught by those who have achieved the greatest level of mastery in the particular subject you wish to learn. If I want to learn to use a saw, then I would find someone with a well-worn but sharp saw. Be taught by a master; they will not only impart their knowledge but their faith as well.
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19 NKJV
Mastery involves accurate training coupled with practice until authority has been achieved. You have the authority in the finished work of Christ; now, you must master it.
What is dominion rest? Physically, it is vivacious health, not healing. Financially, it is being debt free and secure. Emotionally, it is the fruit of the Spirit abounding. Within a family it is wholeness and growth with abundant joy. In a city or a nation, it is peace and prosperity with their enemies being under the fear of God. Spiritually, it is being adopted and born of God by the blood bought covenant of the Son.
How is authority applied? And, what is it to trample on serpents and scorpions? You certainly would not want to trample on serpents and scorpions in your bare feet. Consider the following two verses, what they have in common, and the context they are set in. What do you see?
And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. Rom 16:20 NKJV
….and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Eph 6:15 NKJV
Peace is perhaps the fruit of the Spirit that the enemy seeks to destroy in you, more than any other. Why? Peace is the key to hearing the voice of God, the key to receiving revelation. The Lord will give you specific revelation in order for you to be able to manifest His promises. But, if you are so tormented on the inside, or so distracted on the outside, that you cannot focus on Him long enough to hear His voice, then you will not walk in authority, or abide in dominion rest.
Do you have the peace of God? If not, contact me, especially if you are a senior leader, a man or woman of God. Some people, because of their position, have really no one to turn to. Contact me. I can help you.
Peace for most people is simply a momentary lull in between conflicts. The peace of God is like a mighty house that is built upon a rock – solid, safe, secure, immovable, comfortable and comforting. The purpose of the peace of God is to guard your heart so that you can always hear God, and respond accordingly. When you can hear God, then you are ready to walk in authority.
To trample is to crush under your feet. The politically correct thing to do is always to live in peaceful coexistence with your enemies rather than to trample them. Enemies, by their very nature, will always seek to dominate you. I’ve observed that hippies always seem to wind up on the bottom of the pile…
But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, Matt 5:44 NKJV
Do you realize that you can love your human enemies by spiritually taking authority over the demons in their lives, so that they stop acting like maniacs? If you are walking like a child of the King, even the unsaved will respect and favor you, if you bind their demons. Do you want to stop wars? Stop the demons behind the wars. Ask God to show you the spiritual landscape, so to speak, so that you see what is really going on. Once you know, then decree and command accordingly. The Lord will make your foes your footstool…
The authority ( Grk. EXOUSIA ) you have is greater than all the potential power ( Grk. DUNAMIS ) that the enemy has. Do you realize that when you really walk in authority, everyone, even the unsaved, gets blessed and helped? There is nothing selfish about walking in dominion rest.
“… and nothing shall by any means hurt you…”
This is a double negative in the Greek text, meaning absolutely no way, nothing shall hurt you!
Now, the key to all of this is the peace of God.
Start your day with the peace of God. Pray in tongues and read the Word. Ask Him what He wants accomplished that day, and write it down. Ask Him what the devil will try to do that day, and write that down. Ask Him about ANYTHING you are troubled about, and write down His responses. Ask Him, just for practice, what the stock market is going to do that day. God knows, and He loves you. He reveals His secrets to those who fear Him.
You can have this kind of relationship with God. Don’t brag or boast about it. That grieves Him. Out of that peace can come dominion authority that leads you into dominion rest. Got it? Love you!
Remember dear ones, we must be about our Father’s business..