See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me. Isa 49:16 NKJV
God loves me personally very, very much!
I don’t think He loves me more than He loves you, but my perception of His love has grown exponentially over the years, because my walls before Him have, to a great degree, come down. His love for me is so pure, His desire for me is so great! We are born with walls before God because of our sin nature. But in Christ, our sin nature in our spirits is totally eradicated in the new birth. What remains is the individual woundings of our souls. To the degree our souls get healed is to the degree to which our personal perception of His love for us begins to break through. This is the key to faith, to healing, to the promises of God, even to life itself.
My prayer for you is that you can say, with all the conviction of your soul, “God loves me very, very much!”
“…faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17
The dear sister had been in a wheelchair. As she came to church and heard about healing, she began to seek God for the answer. She was healed partially and was able to walk with the help of a walker. One day, while at the home of some friends, I was with her in the kitchen. Some unsaved people entered the home, and caused a disturbance. When I turned around, she was on the floor, in pain and unable to move. The Holy Spirit said, “Pick her up and take her in the back bedroom!” So we did, laying her on the floor.
I said in my spirit, “Lord, what can I say to her to release her faith for her healing?” One word came back, ‘Condemnation’. I knew immediately what to say and do! I got down on my knees and looked her in the eye. “Dear one, there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, and the Lord is going to raise you up today!” And, that is exactly what He did….from that day on she could run and dance and walk without pain, and without help, because the Lord healed her.
Jesus’ manner of ministry was teaching, preaching and healing ( Matthew 4:23- 25). The healing would follow the spoken Word. Why? It happened because the Word, spoken by Jesus under the anointing of the Spirit, released faith in those who heard it. Without faith they would not have been able to receive the blessing. In the incident that I described above, as God healed the dear sister’s physical body, the last thing I was led to deal with was a demon spirit of condemnation. The spirit had been condemning her for not having enough faith to get healed. So when I quoted Romans 8:1, it was the perfect word at the perfect time to release faith, bless God forever!
This is how people hear the Word to receive faith for healing. Either God has to speak to them directly, or someone has to speak by the Spirit of God a direct word regarding what God is going to do about their situation, so as to release their faith. At times, the Lord can ‘make alive’ a written word that communicates His very specific will, as well. Regardless of the means, they must receive a specific Word from God to release their faith to receive. The Word does the work!
This is why it is so important that you as God’s minister learn to speak by the Spirit of God. Many times I will see those leading a service try to minister healing before they preach the Word. I think they are sensing what God wants to do but they are jumping the gun, running ahead of Him so to speak, in their timing. If you know God wants to heal, preach the Word first! God won’t leave because you are taking time to preach the Word. In fact, the anointing will increase as you speak by the Spirit of God!
All true preaching and teaching should flow out of the anointing of prophecy.
How do you receive a specific word to minister to the person needing healing? If you asked someone the question, ‘What should I say?’ wouldn’t you look at them and wait for a response? You turn your complete attention to God. You wait on Him until He gives you a specific word to speak. I may see a word written out in my spirit, or just have a message burning within my heart. I will speak it out, and if it is really from God, there will be an immediate reaction.
Recently I laid hands on a woman I did not know, but had come forward for healing. The Spirit said, ‘abortion.’ I stopped, looked at her and said, ‘Did you have an abortion?’ Her response confirmed that I was hearing from God, and that He wanted to heal her. The root of her problem was in the abortion she had.
Take the time to get a word from God.
The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned. Isa 50:4 KJV
Another time, recently, I was so overwhelmed by the circumstances of the suffering one that I couldn’t get a word from God. Finally, almost three weeks later, as I was just waking, God spoke to me and released a strategy for that one’s healing, bless God forever.
Once you get that first word, God will take you step by step by revelation through what to say and do to bring His will to pass. This is really the operation of the gift of prophecy as it relates to ministering healing.
The three great realities of healing are the specific Word, great love and great grace.
Great love (or compassion) was the hallmark of Jesus’ ministry to the lost and hurting. When Jesus embraced the leper in Matthew 8:3 (touched: HAPTOMAI – to embrace), the man had probably not been physically touched in years. (Again, the healings in Matthew 8 occurred AFTER the teaching of the sermon on the mount.). We know medically that people need to be touched. Babies will die in a crib for no other reason than that they haven’t been touched. It is interesting that perhaps the primary way healing is communicated is through the laying on of hands. What is in you comes out through touch. When we have great love in our hearts, when we are moved by compassion, then our touch becomes a healing balm of the communication of that love.
You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 Tim 2:1 NKJV
Great grace is manifested in seeing people the way God sees them. Men see others as inferior, as rivals, as competitors, as enemies, as unworthy of blessings. God sees them as the rebellious, the lost, the hurting, the dying, as those whom He seeks to heal, to help, to deliver, to save as beneficiaries of His mercy. As we learn to see people the way God sees them, we will become precious vessels through whom the healing balm of God’s anointing oil can be poured out to a sick and dying human race…
Remember, dear ones, we must be about our Father’s business…
Author’s note: This is part three in a four part series, which was first published in September of 2004. You can find the other parts at Love to all!