The training that comes out of the modern charismatic church for healing ministry is so weak, so ineffective as to almost be embarrassing to be involved with. One time I had to attend a meeting to ‘qualify’ for the prayer team. The entire training consisted of the pastor speaking for forty-five minutes. What he said could be distilled into three words: Don’t offend anyone. I qualified, I got to heal people after church, and I offended some people. But we saw some real, genuine healings! People got excited, and church became fun…
When John and Jenny Lake used to minister healing, Jenny would take those who were not healed by John’s ministry aside and show them, by the gift of discerning of spirits, why they weren’t healed. Then, many confronted their problems and got healed. Lakes healing ministry was so effective that Spokane WA was declared to be the healthiest city in America, even without Obamacare, bless God forever.
The gift of healing is the fourth gift listed in 1 Corinthians 12. Four is the number for the world. The gift of healing will launch your ministry out into the world. Our ministry to Africa and the nations was launched by two instantaneous healing miracles. But, that a story for another day!
Lightbearers Ministries is training men and women all over the world to flow in the gifts of the Spirit effectively, including the gifts of workings of miracles and gifts of healings. You can learn to flow and become very, very effective, if you are willing to study, practice, be corrected, study more, practice more, work hard and improve. In other words, train. We love training!
This series was first published in August and September of 2004. Love to all!
Author’s note: Perhaps the greatest mistake anyone seeking healing makes is to quit, give up or give in. If you are in a fight, fight with fierce determination! We all face challenges that we may not be able to rise up to, but regardless, we must fight through! Hold on to God! The Lord can, and does, heal people even when they are at deaths door. Consider the following verses…
O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You healed me. O Lord, You brought my soul up from the grave; You have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit. Ps 30:2-3 NKJV
God can heal even at the point of death, and He can cause you to be raised from the dead. Don’t tell me someone has ‘run their race’ at thirty-one years old and heading a family of seven, except their name is John the Baptist. Don’t make religious excuses for something that should not have happened. Those seeking healing must never give up, and their care givers must never give up. Keep believing God, and pray for a resurrection if necessary. We will see more and more of those in the days to come as our corporate faith grows, and our character to never quit is strengthened.
“…Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart…” Psalms 24:3,4
It was about nightfall in the evening…the small, rural church was fast filling up with the dear saints. The Coleman lanterns were being lite as I noticed her, a small, young woman in a red blouse who was dragging her legs behind her on crutches, as she made her way to her seat. “You have an appointment with her tonight!” the Holy Spirit said, as I prepared to preach.
With a heart full of anticipation of God’s power, I preached on the authority of the believer for over two hours. Suddenly the preaching was over, and it was time to pray. The dear saint in the red blouse came up first, her legs dragging behind her. I laid hands on her and instantly saw in the Spirit the bones of her spine. I commanded them to become normal and functional. I opened my eyes. Tears were streaming down her face. I said, “Are you ready to walk?” She nodded, yes. I took her two hands and stepped backward. She followed, then released my hands, and walked freely. She returned the next day, happy and whole, to get her crutches because they were borrowed. A pastor noted, “I’ve waited forty five years to see the power of God like that…”
It has been said that ‘preparation is the key to success’. Every Christian can receive and walk in the healing anointing. We are all called to do the works that Jesus did (John 14:12). However, we do not find many Christians walking in that anointing. Why? Ignorance, lack of training and teaching, and lack of preparation…
Ignorance is destroyed by the knowledge of the Word of God. We know we can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us ( Philippians 4:13). Lack of training in specific ministry techniques will be handled in future articles, Lord willing. But today we want to focus on preparation.
…He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself…1 Cor 14:4 NKJV
The Christian needs to be prepared spirit, soul and body. The human spirit can only be anointed by God’s Spirit in the measure that it is strong enough to carry that anointing. Jesus received the Spirit without measure because of the absolute pureness of His spirit (John 3:34). The human spirit in the Christian is made alive in the new birth by the Spirit of God. Then it can be strengthened by the Spirit of God as the believer prays and speaks in the Spirit. This is crucial…
I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all…1 Cor 14:18 NKJV
Most Spirit filled Christians have never been challenged and trained to pray in tongues much in their private prayer lives. But we have consistently proven that if a believer will pray in tongues for an hour every day, they will begin to see miracles. Why? Because their spirits are being strengthened and God can put more of His anointing upon them. The human spirit is much like an electrical battery. The larger the battery cell, the more voltage it can be charged with. The more you pray in tongues, the more your spirit is built up, so that it can be charged with more of God’s power. The more of the power and love of God that flows through you, the greater will be the healing anointing. Bless God forever!
“…Pursue peace with all men, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord…” Hebrews 12:14
The soul of man is strengthened with the Word of God. It is prepared in peace and holiness. In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence. Nothing disturbs the soul of man like personal sin. Sin shakes your confidence! If our hearts do not condemn us, then we have confidence towards God, and whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him.
I ministered to a whole group of pastors and bishops a while ago, and none of them could say they read the Word of God every day! It was no surprise to me that they were discouraged and had no power. They were not preparing their souls to walk in power. The carnal mind is death to the things of the Spirit. The carnal mind must be humbled and renewed by the Spirit of God. I commanded those men to read the Word of God every day, at least five chapters. Read the Word of God out loud every day, so that your eyes see it, your ears hear it, and your mouth speaks it.
(A note to spiritual leaders: be prepared to minister effectively to the sick at all times, like a warrior who is constantly ready to protect his people. Nothing destroys faith like when someone finally gets their courage up enough to ask to be prayed for, and the minister says, “I need to go pray first. Come back later and see me.” I have been on both ends of this conversation, and nothing good has ever come from it. I am resolved it will not happen again. Here is a key: ask God what to prepare for early in the day, and He will help you prepare to be victorious in any situation.)
Finally, a healing anointing can be very draining on the physical body. You must rest eight hours every night, eat wholesome food, drink plenty of water, and exercise. Take a full and complete day off each week. You can do these things! You must, for the long term blessing to you, your family and your ministry. You are not everyone’s savior! Jesus is to be Lord of your schedule, not people or circumstances. This is preparation for the healing anointing…
Remember, dear ones, we must be about our Father’s business…