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He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38 KJV

Speaking in tongues comes out of the core of your being, your spirit man. Speaking in tongues is SO essential to the walk by the Spirit, yet we allow the devil to cheat us out of its benefits hour after hour, day after day. Why is that?

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1 NKJV

How do you consciously apply love when you speak in tongues? The answer to that question could be the great reason why some people speak in tongues and don’t receive any benefit from it, and therefore declare that it is useless or unimportant. Indeed, this seems to be the experience of many who have spoken in tongues at times during their lives and not continued in it. Had they reaped the great blessing of the power of God in their lives, surely they would have continued speaking in tongues. But we see that the attitude, even in most churches that profess to be Spirit filled, is one of ‘take it or leave it, it’s no big deal,’ an attitude exactly contrary to the Word of God.

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit… Hebrews 4:12NKJV

The human spirit, which is indwelt by the Holy Spirit at the time of the new birth, and the human soul are closely aligned in each of us, yet are distinctly different from one another.

When you pray in tongues, your spirit prays, yet it is a function of the soul to move the body, specifically the motor controls of speech, to make you release the words. Do you see that? So, the soul has a function in getting you to speak in tongues. The question is, what is the motivation of the soul, and how can the soul be filled with the love of God, to make the tongues effective? Why is love so important?

…but faith working through ( is energized by ) love. Galatians 5:6 NKJV

Love is important, from a practical sense, because love energizes faith which is required to receive God’s promises. But above that in a greater sense is a greater reality, which is this – to walk in harmony with a God who is love, to truly be led by the Spirit, one must be harmoniously, in themselves, moved by love, which is the unselfish desire for the benefit of another. Do you see that?

The soul is the spiritual battlefield, because your spirit has been made pure and brought to life by the Spirit of God, and your body is simply a biomechanical platform, and as such is neither good nor evil ( an arm can hug a neck or punch a nose with basically the same effort ). What comes out of your body is what is dwelling in your soul.

Our question is – indeed, our challenge is – how do I get my soul to operate the gifts of the Spirit in the love of God?

Perhaps the first and greatest challenge is to get our soul to humble itself to God, His Word and His Spirit. The soul always wants to vaunt itself above everyone and everything else. The unsaved soul, and the soul of the baby believer, is selfish, self centered and self worshipping. How do we get our soul in shape?

I humbled myself with fasting…Psalms 35:13 NKJV

I hate fasting; but I love what fasting produces in me. When I embrace fasting and don’t complain about it, the Lord is able to use it to humble me, to position me to receive His blessings. The key to the favor of God is right positioning. Take a showerhead in a bath as an example. When you stand under the showerhead, the water pours all over you. Stand a foot to the right or left…no water. So it is with the favor of God! The favor of God never stops falling. The question is, are we in position to receive it?

“It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'” Matthew 4:4 NKJV

Can I humbly say that we expect too little from our times alone with God? When you go to meet with God in the morning, do you bring a notebook to write down the things He says will happen that day, and how to handle them? Do you write down in your notebook the answers He gives you to the problems you are facing, or the explicit instructions that He wants to lay out so that you prosper, and live abundantly? Honestly, we don’t have to guess about anything. Don’t let the unbelief around you, religious or otherwise, cause you to deny that truth. We can know!

My sheep hear My voice…John 10:27 NKJV

When you meet with God, first praise and worship, then ask questions…and listen. Trust He is talking to you, and expect specific instructions. Then, do them! This is putting on the love of God in action. This works in sales, in business, with your family, with your health and other needs, and of course, in ministry – literally in all of your life.

In athletics or in battle, the physical strength of a warrior/athlete comes out of their core, those muscles from your hips to your chest. They give the strength, the snap, the power to the arms and legs. They must be strengthened if the arms and legs are to perform. Unfortunately, the first place we get fat is in our core, weakening the whole body.

If we want to be lean, fit and powerful spiritually, we have to strengthen our core, which is our soul and spirit. Your spirit is strengthened when you pray much in tongues in love. ( Here is a practical exercise to pray in tongues in love: picture someone in your mind, even just their name, and begin to pray in tongues. Stay on that focus with your soul and spirit until you sense in your spirit that you are done. This is a practical way to seek the benefit of another, which is the definition of love). Your soul is strengthened when you lay aside all soulish filth and wickedness, and receive with humility the Word of God. Every problem we face can be overcome if we strengthen our core. Start strengthening your core today!

Remember dear ones, we must be about our Father’s business…