I am totally confident about our future, the future of my family, our ministry, our countries, and the future of the world. Why, you may ask? Because of God’s secret weapons. Circumstances are dire in our country, and worse in many other countries. Millions are dying from starvation, probably the slowest and most painful way to die due to government incompetence or deliberate malfeasance. Yet in all the gloom and despair I see, like John Adams, the ravishing rays of light and glory…
Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind (Grk. PHRONEMA – thoughts) of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Rom 8:27 NKJV
How do you pray for a specific person or situation when you pray in tongues? Verse twenty seven gives us the answer. This verse has been translated poorly by the use of capitalization. When we capitalize ‘Spirit’ and ‘He’ we make them to refer to God the Holy Spirit, which makes no sense. Why? He who searches the hearts is the Lord Jesus, according to Rev.2:23. To say that Jesus knows the thoughts of the Holy Spirit makes no sense. Of course, He does – they are one God! But when you say that the Lord Jesus knows the thoughts in your spirit, your heart, then now we are on to something! When you pray in tongues, your spirit prays. The ‘He’ in verse twenty seven, your spirit, makes intercession regarding your thoughts according to the will of God. Are you with me?
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Rom 8:28 NKJV
Such a great truth, isn’t it? Especially in light of the context which is praying in tongues!
You pray with your mother tongue – for me it is English – then you pray in the spirit. You hold that thought, that person or situation in your heart as you pray in the spirit. As I do this, I’ll go back continually into my mother tongue to refresh my focus while continuing to pray in the spirit. Finally, you pray until you get a release or a ‘hold,’ a pause or a timeout. God knows you have other things to do, so if the situation isn’t prayed through to release, He will give you grace to pause the intercession until you can pick it up again. At times you will pray for years over situations or people, picking up the ‘pause’ when you can, until you get the release.
The serious intercessor goes beyond just praying for themselves, family and friends, not that those aren’t important or necessary. The point is, they don’t stop there. For the serious intercessor, the weapons of revelation are available. Remember, the gifts of the Spirit are there as tools to make you powerfully effective in all that you do. How many times have you gotten solutions to problems when you are praying in tongues? For me, it is almost daily. Speaking in tongues energizes love and faith to enable the receiving of the word of wisdom, bringing the solution. Isn’t that wonderful!
By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come. Heb 11:20 NKJV
One of the great realities of the word of wisdom is that through it the Lord can show you things to come.
The thing to understand about the future is that for the most part it is not ‘set in stone.’ There are variables involved – the will and faith of believers, the will and ‘faith’ of unbelievers, and the activities of the enemy, along with God’s will. Now we know the enemy is eternally defeated, but he still has an army in the field. We know the believer is finally and conclusively victorious, but his day to day walk to that final victory can be marred by setbacks and defeat. Unbelievers, and their operation of their faith, still play a role in what occurs. But, like the eye of the hurricane, the Lord can place you in a position of favor in the midst of the storm. Do you understand?
I recently examined an article about the failures in prophecy regarding the 2020 election. Sometimes I’m really naïve. I assume people understand things that I understand because they are the big guys. I was astonished some years ago when I heard that a major prophetic leader had only recently learned that all believers can prophesy. I learned that in my teens! So, I wasn’t too shocked when so many prophetic leaders got egg on their faces over statements about the 2020 elections. Its’ not that they ‘saw wrong.’ It’s that they interpreted what they saw, wrongly. Dutch Sheets explained it so succinctly years ago when he said that what God shows you is not necessarily ‘set in stone’ – there are times when it is, but not all the time – but rather, God is saying, ‘This is what is available if you rise up and believe.’ It, the prophecy, becomes encouragement to believe God rather than settled fact in the future. Do you see?
Now therefore, let Me alone, that My wrath may burn hot against them and I may consume them. And I will make of you a great nation.” Then Moses pleaded with the Lord his God, and said…Ex 32:10-11 NKJV
So the Lord relented from the harm which He said He would do to His people. Ex 32:14 NKJV
The serious intercessor sees what is going on, sees what God is making available, and settles in to believe God for the fulfillment of the word they have seen, and what they perceive of the will of God. Remember that intercessors can ‘change God’s mind’ so to speak. Moses did! I have words right now that were given to me over Lightbearers Ministries. They aren’t set in stone. But I have set myself to sacrifice and to believe that those words will come to pass, because they will be a great blessing to many others…and that’s what it is all about, right?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Prov 3:5-6 NKJV
Dancing is such a great analogy to walking by the Spirit of God. If there is any pushing or pulling, you are not really dancing. The two have to learn to flow as one. When they do it is breathtaking to behold, which is also true of observing one walking by the Spirit.
The serious intercessor realizes that all things revolve around God. They understand that the Lord seeks, first of all, submission, then obedience, and finally, full and willful cooperation. When we have gotten to the place where we fully and willfully each day seek to cooperate with God, to dance as one, then we reach a level of effectiveness and blessing that few understand. Those who do become God’s secret weapons in the fight to advance His Kingdom over every nation, to His glory and praise. Love you!
Remember dear ones, we must be about our Father’s business…