A group of people with their hands together.


Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified…2 Thess 3:1 NKJV

It’s been said that, ‘History belongs to the intercessors.’ Intercession is the key that releases God’s presence and power to bring His will to earth, even to the nations. The vital nature of intercession is such that we cannot survive as a ministry without it. Without the Lord and His presence, there simply is no fruit that comes out of Lightbearers Ministries.

Lightbearers Ministries exists to make the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit available to every born again one worldwide. We can’t accomplish this without the intercession of the saints.

The ‘smartest’ thing we have ever done in ministry is to seek out and communicate with those dear saints who are called to pray for Lightbearers vision. Are you one of those called to pray for us? If so, please contact us at [email protected], so that we can get you on the prayer team!


As you donate to Lightbearers Ministries, we want to say THANK YOU for the privilege of being enabled by your gift to minister the gospel of the Kingdom and glory of Jesus Christ all over the world. Truly, your gifts have enabled believers in dozens of countries around the world, and here in the USA, to experience the glory and power of our Lord.

One story after another comes to mind… of the young boy with polio in his leg whom we sent home running to his mother, of the woman with breast cancer who was healed instantly by the power of God, of the dear woman who could suddenly see, of the dead boy raised again to life.

Your gifts make this ministry possible…so we say again, THANK YOU!

Click on either of the buttons below to make a donation today!


Be a Lightbearer!

We embrace the joy of being living sacrifices, as nameless and faceless servants of Jesus Christ, who seek to glorify Him and make Him relevant to the world around us.

A volunteer, for our purposes, is one who freely out of love offers themselves – their time, talents and abundance – to accomplish a specific objective that they have embraced as their own.

We seek volunteers in critical areas such as:

SCHOOL OF MINISTRY DIRECTOR – Are you called to teach? Do you have a burning desire to make Jesus Christ relevant to your city and region of your country? We have the curriculum and insight to make it happen!

STAFF MEMBER OF LIGHTBEARERS MINISTRIES – Are you a ‘people person’? Do you have administrative skills, writing ability, or creative social media adeptness? We need you!

HOUSE CHURCH LEADER – Do you want to win your neighbors, family and friends to Christ? How about coworkers, fellow students, or online buddies? There are so many ways to develop communities of believers that are fun, exciting and incredibly fulfilling. We can help you start your own!

TEACHER OF THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT – Are you called to teach and impart the gifts of the Spirit? You came to the right place. We can help you fulfill your ministry!

PROPHETIC EVANGELISM TEAM DIRECTOR – It’s really fun when we hit the streets to make Jesus Christ relevant to our world around us in signs, miracles and wonders. You can direct a team that can turn your city upside down!

Contact us at [email protected]