Below you will find several of Kevin’s extended teachings. Simply click on the links to hear the audio messages.
“The HOLY SPIRIT SEMINAR” (20 Lessons)
Listen here or load them to an MP3 player to listen (takes a few seconds to play):
1. The HOLY SPIRIT SEMINAR Introduction
2. How To Do the Works of the Holy Spirit
5. The Doctrine of Spiritual Power
6. Manifestations of the Spirit
7. Formula for Spiritual Results; and Speaking in Tongues
8. Speaking in Tongues Continued; and Tongues With Interpretation
11. Blessing and Cursing – Words As the Weapons of Spiritual Warfare
12. The Cause of Curses and Breaking Curses
14. Different Kinds of Revelation
19. Gifts of Healings and Working of Miracles
20. Keys to Ministering Healing
“How to Become a Minister of Healing:”
(files in ‘wma’ format)