What Love Is…

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Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast ( fresh breakfast of )
love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Psalms 90:14 ESV

In a world increasingly filled with anger, fear and frustration, a
steady diet of the love of God keeps the born again one happily
satisfied and rejoicing all of his days, a lightbearer in the midst of
the darkness.

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome ( Grk. NIKAO: crush and
defeat ) evil with good. Romans 12:21 NKJV

I am convinced that God’s people suffer terribly from two great, but
easily solvable, deficiencies: the lack of study of God’s Word, and
the lack of prayer, especially praying in tongues. If these two
deficiencies were met abundantly, I believe 98% of the problems in
people’s lives would be solved.

…( as I have briefly written already, by which, when you read, you may
understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ)… Ephesians 3:3-4

One of the great pleasures of my life is to restudy personally
established truth. One great thing happens when you continually walk
with God – you grow spiritually, just like a child with good parents,
good food, and a good environment. God’s Word has limitless depths of
understanding, and as you grow, your capacity for understanding grows.
Thus, when you go back and study something you haven’t studied in
awhile, new vistas of understanding open up.

“…the most important accomplishment of our lives is not what we
accomplish, but what we become…” – Rick Joiner

1 Corinthians thirteen is the great key section of the chapters twelve
through fourteen study of PNEUMATIKOS, things of the Spirit or
spiritual matters. It is ‘the meat of the sandwich,’ so to speak. I
Corinthians thirteen teaches how the ministries and gifts of the
Spirit elaborated on in chapter twelve are to be operated effectively.
Without embracing the truth of chapter thirteen, you will never walk
in the power and favor of God.

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not
love ( Grk. AGAPE ), I have become sounding brass or a clanging
cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1 NKJV

AGAPE is the Greek word used by the Holy Spirit, as the Author of the
Bible, to describe His own love which did, and continues to, motivate
all that He has ever done, including the creation of the universe and
man, and all of His dealings with man. You and I can be filled with
and moved by that same motivation, that same kind of love. Romans 5:5
tells us that, because of the new birth, AGAPE love already dwells
within our spirits, a fresh fountain ready to be tapped in our hearts
and lives.

AGAPE, in this context, could be described as a divinely given,
passionate concern for the benefit of another. Think that through in
light of the gifts and ministries in your life – what are the
motivating forces, the purposes, and the goals behind what you do

We seek God’s benefit, because we love Him. We love others, and seek
their benefit, because He first loved us. We seek benefit or fruit for
ourselves as well, because we love ourselves, not in narcissistic
perversion, but in the joy of life. Hallelujah!

And because lawlessness will abound, the love ( AGAPE ) of many will
grow cold ( PSUCHO: expire, take its last breath, die  ) Matthew 24:12

When you study Bible words in their original languages, it is helpful
to go to the first usage of the word canonically to gain all the
understanding that you can. AGAPE is first used in Matthew 24:12. It
is used of a time in the future, concerning the Lord’s return, when
lawlessness will cause AGAPE to die in many believers.

Now, when something is stated in the negative, you can infer truth by
stating it in the positive. If lawlessness kills AGAPE love, then the
righteous use of just civil law in society creates an environment
where AGAPE love can flourish. Makes you want to pray for, and
influence with wisdom, your legislators, policemen and judges, doesn’t

Love suffers long…1 Corinthians 13:4 NKJV

The first great descriptive term for love in ‘the meat’ chapter is
MAKROTHUMEO, meaning longsuffering, patience, or patient endurance.

The servant therefore fell down before him, saying, ‘Master, have
patience ( Grk. MAKROTHUMEO ) with me, and I will pay you all.’ Then
the master of that servant was moved with compassion, released him,
and forgave him the debt. Matthew 18:26-27 NKJV

MAKROTHUMEO in its first usage is associated with being moved with
compassion, deliverance and forgiveness. Check out the section for
yourself – Matthew 18:26, 27 in its context. Do you see how the
actions of the master in verse twenty seven described the patience
that the servant asked for in verse twenty six?

When we tap in to the AGAPE love that the Lord has put within our
hearts, we will have MAKROTHUMEO, longsuffering, patience, or patient
endurance which will enable us to be moved with compassion ( which is
very, very powerful ), have the ability to deliver others, and have
the ability, and true motivation, to forgive others.

Love never quits…1 Corinthians 13:8

‘Love never quits’ is a metaphorical translation of the Greek word,
PIPTO, meaning to fall or to fail, which was first introduced to me by
our esteemed brother Rick Joiner. If we stop or quit walking in the
love of God, then we are descending, falling from a high point to
something incomparably lower.

There are many more words in the ‘meat chapter’ to help us understand
the love of God, but I will give you the pleasure of searching those
out for yourself. As you grow, your vision of God gets bigger, your
vision of yourself gets bigger, and life becomes a whole lot sweeter.
That is what love is all about!

Remember dear ones, we must be about our Father’s business…