Lightbearers Ministries allows you to freely download or copy the following material, as long as the following guidelines are followed. Do not sell the materials in part or whole. Do not alter the material in any way. Once copied or downloaded it must still contain our ministry name and contact information clearly and easily for all to see as reference back to us for questions or contact.
Living Waters Book
Holy Spirit Seminar Manual
Miracle Booklet by Kevin Porter
French 6-month program
A1 - Horaire de classe de Royaume (SCHEDULE)
A2 - Principes de classe de Royaume Translate (GUIDELINES)
A3 - Forme de grade de classe de Royaume (GRADE FORM)
A4 - Points et notes de Grade (GRADE POINTS)
A6 - Comment faire pour se ministres de la société Le baptême du Saint-Esprit
Autorite du Croyant Authority
Evangelisation Miraculeuse Evangelization
Image d'une Nouvelle Creature New Creation
L'Eglise Triomphante Church
La Vie Surnaturelle Supernatural
Les Dons Du Ministere Ministry
Louange et Adoration Praise
Manual Descriptions in French Revised
Manual Descriptions in French
Mise en place d'une école de ministère
Modeles De Vie Dans L'Ancien Testament NT Patterns
Priere Prayer
Provision de Dieu pour la Guerison Healing
Reconquerir Le Terrain Taking
Spanish 6-month program
English 6-month program