2025 and beyond

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Giving Tuesday – 2025 and beyond

Dear One,

The Lord bless you!

This is our only fundraising email of the year, and we are asking for $22K extra to come in to help us with the project mentioned below. 2025 will be my last year running Lightbearers and we want to finish the goal Dr. Jack Tuls and I set in 2001 of planting a school of ministry in every African nation. Your gift of any size can help to make that happen!

We now have hundreds of schools in over twenty nations across Africa plus schools in Europe and the Far East and the Caribbean. We brought together our senior school directors from Europe, the USA and Africa, and met together in Jinja Uganda to take on the challenge and plan how to accomplish the goal. Now we need to carry it out!

Once they do this in 2025, in 2026 they will cover Europe, 2027 will be Russia and the Middle East, 2028 will be South America, 2029 our own north America, then China and the Far East in 2030. This is do-able; in fact, it’s already happening. We have a window under Mr. Trump that will allow us to accomplish these goals. And after 2025, this greybeard will be cheering and praying from the sidelines as a new generation of the Lightbearers family goes forth!

Your gift through the donate portal below can help us make that happen!

Love to all! KRP