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There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear…1 John 4:18 NKJV

How effective would you be if you had no fear of anyone? Recently, in the miracle workers seminar I taught in California, I told them that they needed to emphasize two great realities if they wanted to really be miracle workers: they needed to speak in tongues much, and they needed to crush the fear of strangers. The fear of strangers causes us to miss the opportunities the Lord lays before us, and rightly allows the world to judge us for our lack of love.

“Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” Gen 15:1 NKJV

The fear of strangers is as old as the human condition. It is the root of prejudice, the motivation behind revenge, the brother of jealousy and hatred. It is the sin nature within man’s most excused manifestation, for everyone can justify their fear of strangers. And yet its antidote – outgoing love borne of confidence in their relationship with their Father – provides the born again one with the greatest opportunity for success in a world starved for that very reality.

The ability to listen to and obey God is the single most practical and important discipline a born again one can develop in their lifetime. The closer I draw to God, the more I can live with Him in intimate proximity, the farther I flee from fear. The fear of strangers grows from a lack of living confidence in God, and in your ability to walk with Him. Therein lies the secret to freedom…

The freest person is the one who can operate with God with impunity in any circumstance.

…the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. Dan 11:32 NKJV

Daniel was absolutely free within the lions den because he wholly trusted in his God. Much has been made about his prayer regimen. But I submit to you that many people pray a lot and are still full of fear. The secret of prayer is in what you walk away from it with, holding in your hand! In prayer there is two things that I want achieve – I want to RELEASE and I want to RECEIVE.

I want to release my sins, my burdens, my cares, my fears. For me, this involves just getting really honest. Adam and Eve were naked before God, and unashamed. Think about it!

I want to release praise, thanks, love, adoration and worship.

I want to receive revelation, faith, instruction, understanding, mercy and grace. This is the key to all prayer – WHAT YOU RECEIVE. If I go and love God, talk to Him, pray to Him, and there is no response, then He has been loved, and I have not been loved. In all godly transactions, BOTH parties must be blessed. I must receive!

This ‘receiving’ is what the devil hates and will fight fiercely. He could care less if you confess your sins and worship God. He can’t stop that, but he can stop, because he has done it for centuries ( the pathetic, answerless Christian is one of the world’s great stereotypes ), you from receiving, if you let him. The key is not to let him!

You may have to war for your answer at times. Consider what happened to Daniel…

Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days… Dan 10:12-13 NKJV

There is deep spiritual warfare in the heavenlies over this very situation of answers to prayer. Daniel set his heart to understand and to humble himself, and the angel was sent immediately. But the angel had to fight for twenty one days, and needed reinforcements to break through to reach Daniel. Fascinating, isn’t it?

My sheep hear My voice… John 10:27 NKJV

That’s a promise you can hang your ‘faith’ hat on! The key to receiving is getting yourself quiet enough to clearly hear His voice. This is why, in a crisis, I counsel our friends to take three days or more to get alone with God and listen to Him. Ask specific questions, get specific answers. God has all the answers, and is willing to share them clearly, if we are willing to get ourselves to the place of really listening and receiving. Often, it just takes the sacrifice of TIME, which the world worships. Can you sacrifice your TIME on the altar of God? ( Our management of TIME reveals what you value, because we all have the same amount, but that’s a sermon for another day…)

How does this relate to crushing the fear of strangers? The people that DO KNOW THEIR GOD, shall be strong, and crush the fear of strangers, and do exploits!

I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding. 1 Cor 14:15 NKJV

In these times of prolonged prayer, waiting and listening, I encourage our people to pray much in tongues quietly. You don’t want to get so emotional in your prayer in the Spirit that you stop being able to listen. The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. You are waiting on those RHEMA words…

The secret to confidence is in hearing the voice of God.

Now, obviously, you can grow in your ability to hear the voice of God. In fact, you can become so sensitive that you can make split second decisions based on what you are sensing in your spirit from Him. This is what takes ‘crushing the fear of strangers’ to another level. The world calls this ‘situational awareness.’ I call it ‘God awareness in every situation.’

This is the ability to see and perceive the unseen realities in every situation, with every person you encounter, and respond accordingly, but also proactively move to do the will of God. Who is a threat? Who is open to receive? What spiritual presence is in the atmosphere? How can I bring the kingdom of God into this environment now? Should I stay, or go?

Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God…1 John 3:10 NKJV

Strong words, don’t you think? You have to practice this stuff. Challenge yourself. Seek out the person whom you culturally have nothing in common with, and strike up a friendly conversation. You are making a dent in your fear of strangers if you can get someone else to feel comfortable talking with you. People subconsciously perceive fear. If they are comfortable talking to you, they are not perceiving fear from you. You’re doing good! Once they feel comfortable with you, then they begin to share their fears and hopes. Then you can minister to them in love, working miracles, while at the same time you are crushing the fear of strangers. Amen? Love you!

Remember dear ones, we must be about our Father’s business…